From The Bard's Pen

What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how
infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and
admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like
a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals—and yet,
to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me—
nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so.

- Hamlet

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I look over my shoulder
With a nervous glance
To make sure “you two” don’t follow
Dreading a meeting with you by chance.....

I’m a nervous wreck by now
Sweating and shuddering alike
Holding my arms up in prayer,
“O lord....Just for today...
Please don’t let the “monsters” strike!!!”

Your ten thousand questions
About a simple cow
Your whats, whens,
whys and hows...

The moment your eyes
Get that curious light
I know it’s the right time
to disappear out of sight

Like a maniac I run
And try to hide under the bed
Of course you find me out
And I'm dragged out instead..

And then it begins again
The never ending cycle
“Why is an elephant so big?”
“Why is a cat called a cat still?”

“Why do kids wear diapers?”
“Why don’t big people go to school?”
“Why does Shah Rukh Khan dance on train?”
“How come ice cream is so cool?”

“What does Monu- the doll eat?”
“Where do lizards sleep?”
“How do people get into TV?”

I’m stunned into silence
Where do I begin?
The beginning of the beginning
Or the ending of the end????

There are animals to be identified
And rhymes to be sung
I’m supposed to know Monu’s preferred cuisines
And also the precise ingredients of cow dung

Out of use and incapable
My nervous voice just slurs,
"Sorry my two monsters
I have no answers!!!!!"


  1. Babyphobia again??
    what you gonna do when you have children of your own..???

  2. I would find babysitters... would you volunteer? :P

  3. I’m stunned into silence
    Where do I begin?
    The beginning of the beginning
    Or the ending of the end????

    nice penned!!!!

  4. hehehehehe...that ws so funny!
    nicely rhymed..!!
